Samstag, 13. Juni 2009

Pipeline Component Wizard

BizTalk 2006 has only poor support for developing custom pipeline components. Luckily, there is some kind of tool on Codeplex, which makes it easy to create custom pipeline components. The tool is a project creation wizard within Visual Studio. It comes together with its own project type and is able to generate pipeline component projects from scratch depending on several parameters.

So far, version 2.00 is the current one for Visual Studio 2005 and BizTalk 2006. Unfotunately, this version has a bug. Each time you use the wizard to create a new project you get the error.

System.ArgumentException : Value does not fall withing the expected range

There is no official solution yet. An unofficial way to solve it is:

Change the file BizTalkPipelineComponentWizard.cs around line 304

// get a handle to the project. using mySolution will not work.
pipelineComponentProject = this._Application.Solution.Projects.Item(Path.Combine(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectFileName), projectFileName));

// get a handle to the project. using mySolution will not work.
if (this._Application.Solution.Projects.Count == 1)
pipelineComponentProject = this._Application.Solution.Projects.Item(1);
// In Doubt: Which project is the target?
pipelineComponentProject = this._Application.Solution.Projects.Item(projectFileName);

See Source

After that, you have to complie the source code and (re)install the wizard.

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